報告・赤狼の節 Report: Red Wolf Moon
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
レア: ルミール村を狙った恐ろしい計画によくぞ幕を引いてくれました。
Rhea: You did well handling that awful business in Remire Village.
I am certain the goddess shares in our grief at the senselessness of that calamity.
More importantly, I was shocked to hear that our own Tomas was actually a dark mage.
I must reflect on our blindness.
ソティス: まったくじゃ。入り込んだ鼠に気づけぬとは情けないにも程があるぞ! のう?
Sothis: You surely must! You failed to notice that a rat was hiding in your home. Pathetic!
Who are these wicked foes? How did Tomas escape your gaze?
Choice 1: 彼らは何者? Who are these villains?
Choice 2: トマシュは何のために修道院へ? Why did Tomas come to the monastery?
セテス: トマシュは同盟貴族……コーデリア家の推薦で、40年ほど前から修道院にいる。
Seteth: Tomas came to the monastery 40 years ago, by recommendation of House Ordelia of the Alliance.
Around eight years ago he went back to House Ordelia before returning to the monastery once again just last year.
After having worked at Garreg Mach for decades, why would he betray us now? Just what did he hope to accomplish?
Jeritza became a professor at the Officers Academy because of a recommendation from the Imperial nobility.
Supposing that he is the Death Knight, that means that our enemy is an organization that has taken root in at least two territories.
レア: セイロス聖教会の長い歴史の中で……いえ、それよりも遥か古の時より……
Rhea: In the long history of the Church of Seiros... No, long before even that...
There have been an endless number of threats to the peace of Fódlan.
Yet, those who oppose us still operate in the shadows, their identities a mystery.
I believe that Solon and the Death Knight are merely one part of a much larger whole.
ソティス: 安寧を脅かさんとする者たち、か。なれば征伐してやらねばのう、おぬし。
Sothis: A threat to Fódlan's peace? That means we have no choice. We have to stop them all!
Choice 1: これからどうする? What now?
セテス: 敵の狙いがわからない以上、下手に動くことはできん。
Seteth: Without knowing what their objective is, we cannot afford to act recklessly.
The knights will investigate. For now, you and your class should focus on your training.
Choice 2: 征伐しよう They must be stopped. (Rhea ⤴)
レア: 本当に頼もしくなりましたね。あなたがいれば修道院は安泰です。
Rhea: I have truly come to rely on you. I believe that the monastery will remain safe so long as we have you.
We do not yet know the enemy's objective or whereabouts. For now, please devote yourself to preparing for whatever comes next.
セテス: では、今日のところはこれで。
Seteth: That is all for today.
レア: お待ちなさい、Byleth。
Rhea: Professor. Please wait.
I know there is much that you still do not understand. However, one thing is clear. You possess great power.
I believe that you are destined to be a source of great hope for all.
In any case, I expect great things from you. Walk this world proudly, dear Professor.
May the goddess Sothis protect you.
ソティス: 女神……ソティスじゃと!?
Sothis: The goddess Sothis?! Is that what she just said?
レア: どうか、しましたか?
Rhea: Is something the matter?
Choice 1: 何でもない It's nothing.
レア: そうですか。では、また後ほど……。
Rhea: I see. In that case, farewell.
Choice 2: 女神の名前を初めて聞いた I had never heard the name of the goddess. (Rhea ⤵)
レア: そうでしたか。ソティスは女神の真名です。みだりに口に出さないようになさい。
Rhea: I see. Sothis is the goddess's true name. Please do not use it carelessly.
ソティス: おぬし、迂闊なことを口にするでないぞ。こやつは……わしは……何者なのじゃ?
Sothis: Do not say something that we may regret! She... I... What exactly am I?
For now, let's leave this place. Please... Go!